Ask The Team Pt. 2

What has been the most rewarding moment in your time with HCT?

In our second installment of ASK THE TEAM, we posed the question - What has been the most rewarding moment in your time with Howard Custom Transfers? Judging from these answers, one thing is clear: HCT is a pretty great place to work with some extraordinary people!

Hanna Roland
Accounting Assistant

Watching just how much this company has grown in so many different ways since starting in 2013. Knowing I had a hand in helping in that feels great!

Quintin Howard
General Manager

I always like to tell the story of the "garage days" back in 2002 and how we decided to get into our first commercial building. Long story short, the reclaiming chemicals began to freeze in the chilly November temperatures while I was washing screens at a local car wash. It reminds me of where we came from and drives me to continue reaching higher.

Jody Mazade
Marketing Director

While it’s tremendously gratifying to have witnessed the growth of the company since my start in 2008, the truly rewarding moments are hearing the positive feedback we get from our customers. We have a saying around the office when we get stressed that brings us back down to earth. We tell ourselves, “It’s just t-shirts”. And most of the time that’s true, but sometimes what we do goes beyond just t-shirts. Knowing that over the years we’ve played a part in helping our customers succeed in business, making shirts for events that raised funds for amazing, selfless causes - it’s incredibly rewarding.

Christina Castro
Purchasing Manager

The most rewarding moment with Howard's is witnessing the growth. I have been fortunate enough to be part of the team on and off for the past 15 years, almost half my life! When I started it was a group of 10-15 people in a 5,000+ square foot facility. Now we have two locations, more than 100 employees and offering a variety of products. The best part is the atmosphere and people are still the same throughout the years. It has been an amazing, organized chaos experience and I can't wait to see what happens next.

Claudia Denby
Customer Service manager - Huntsville

All the great people that I have met but the best of the memories is feeling appreciated it, not just as an employee but as a person. The company make sure you have everything that you need to make your work easy and that you feel comfortable in your work environment. They understand you have a life outside work and sometimes life gets hard but you have the support of bosses and coworkers when is needed. I have worked in so many different companies and work environments but HCT has been a wonderful place to work and grow! Go HCT TEAM!!

Ryan Love
Customer Experience Manager

Having started here back in 2008, it has been a pleasure to be a part of the growth of this company. I see the hard work that has gone on day in and day out in my 13+ years here. I have just been happy to be a part of it. Secondly, it always makes me smile when we get feedback from our customers, letting us know that their transfers worked out great for them, and thanking our team for helping them out.

Candy Padilla
Sales Team Memeber

I can't pinpoint one exact moment as there are too many that come to mind. However, each time our customers remind us how much we help them and their businesses grow and prosper, is incredibly humbling and rewarding. My favorite part of this job is to be able to work with awesome people and bring their ideas to fruition.

Mike Behning
Operations Manager - Huntsville

It’s tough. We have had a lot of rewarding moments. As a team, as individuals, and as a screen printing company we continue to exceed our goals. I would say the most rewarding thing for me has been the opportunity to grow. It allowed me to manage a great group of people down here in Texas.

John Wartsbaugh
Customer Experience Assistant

As a new employee, I wasn't sure exactly what to expect when I first walked in the door. It took me until about lunch on my first day to realize that this is a company that truly cares about producing a quality product and providing high quality customer service to back that product. This isn't a "just another number on a spreadsheet" type of company. As an employee, you're part of a team. As a customer, you're top priority. So in all, I guess the rewarding moments are easier to come by around here than challenging moments. But the most rewarding for me was my very first day when I said to myself, "This company is going to be stuck with me for a very long time."

Scott Beu
Human Resources Manager

The most rewarding moment(s) in my time with HCT have been witnessing the successful growth of a customers business. Besides delivering high-quality products, becoming an invaluable resource and offering guidance on cost-saving strategies, industry best practices, or artwork tips to see a customer go from one order a week to multiple a day means we're doing things right.

Marcus Howard
Sales Manager

The most rewarding moment for me is being able to be a part of this company that was started in 2002 by Jeff Howard and Jim Boynton. Seeing my father start something out of his own garage with just a small group of people and grow it to where it is today is pretty special and I'm proud to have played a role in that.

Kyle Rohde
Operations Manager

Watching the company evolve over time has easily been the most rewarding. From watching Mo leave his house early in the morning to go deliver papers to "keep his lights on" when starting up the company in his garage, then spot curing transfers and reclaiming at a carwash, to one small warehouse unit, to swinging by Mo's house to grab the keys to come in and reclaim late at night before I was truly a full time employee, then to several warehouse units with a bunch of young kids "making it go" while professionally growing up together (which has had plenty of ups and downs that we've all survived through), learning from two very different partners in Mo and Jim Boynton on how to run a business and take care of their staff (and recognizing how big of an opportunity they had given us with allowing so much of our input early on), switching from handwritten four part forms to a computer system, pushing for same day service and then seeing it actually work consistently for years, (we're close to being back to that, BTW), physically moving to a new facility in 4 hours time with presses up and running 4 hours later and all of that done by our own staff, opening up another location and adding numerous offerings in the process, pushing to continue to grow and evolve as customers demands continue to do the same. When you step back and slow down for a minute, each phase has all been rewarding as much as it's been fun. And I have to say, that it is definitely still fun, even if my face doesn't always look like I'm having fun. I can't wait to see what the next rewarding moments are as we continue to evolve.

Jody Mazade

Jody is the Marketing Director for Howard Custom Transfers, a leading custom heat transfer manufacturer. In her current role, she uses a multi-channel approach to content creation and digital marketing. With over a decade of experience in the custom apparel industry, Jody helps educate customers by publishing relevant social media, website, email, and video content.


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