Vector vs. Non-Vector
Vector is Best
High-quality custom heat transfers start with high-quality custom artwork and in the world of transfer art - vector artwork reigns supreme. Sure, high-resolution, color-separated bitmaps will get the job done, but vector artwork remains your best option.
Vector artwork gang sheet created using CorelDRAW.
High-quality custom garment decorated using screen printed heat transfer.
Why vector?
For starters, vector artwork can be scaled to size without losing resolution. Vector artwork is comprised of points, lines, and curves to create a series of shapes and ultimately, your custom design. Raster artwork, on the other hand, will become pixelated when enlarged.
When specifically dealing with the screen printing process, vector artwork is required. Remember, each color in your design will be printed using a different screen. For outputting purposes, vector artwork allows us to easily separate each color onto separate screens.
File Types
Vector graphics are commonly found in the following file types: AI, CDR, PDF, or EPS. It’s important to know that a vector file must be created in a native program such as Adobe Illustrator or CorelDRAW. Simply saving a bitmap file as a PDF, for example, will not “convert” the file to vector format.
Converting to Vector
As stated above, creating vector artwork is not as simple as “converting” the file. Ultimately, if you intend to create your own artwork, you will need to learn how to use Adobe Illustrator or CorelDRAW. You may also be able to purchase vector artwork from stock sites such as Adobe Stock, Creative Market, or Shutterstock. If these options won’t work for your needs, you will need to have an experienced graphic designer re-draw your bitmap image in vector format.
HCT Production Artists
Howard Custom Transfers has a talented team of production graphic artists that are well-versed in converting low-resolution bitmaps into high-quality vector artwork. Non-vector art files are charged a flat rate fee of $25 per half hour. Find our full Price List HERE.
Left: Low-resolution bitmap. Right: Re-drawn vector image.